

Throughout our lives, we encounter space that is draped in layers of past events and personal experiences. I believe space is experienced as place when one becomes aware of the emotions, memories, and occurrences within that space. We create intimate psychological and physical bonds with our surroundings and I am interested in the subconscious influences of place and transitionary spaces. I imagine place as residing simultaneously in both physical and emotional landscapes, and the moments experienced in-between offering new perspective and opportunity for discovery. My work investigates place through personal experience within the in-between.

As a sculptor, my process develops intuitively through material investigations and unearthing personal memories. The work begins by collecting materials and found objects which shift my perspective and evoke emotions from which I then work. Concepts of liminality, loss, place, perception, and ritual are explored through materials and research. Numerous small objects are made which inform the larger sculptures. The finished pieces are an amalgamation of fragmented parts. Materials are transformed into organic forms and simplified structures to capture emotions felt from life experiences and beauty from natural phenomena.

Spatial boundaries, abstraction, subtle shifts in light and details, and manipulated materials which engage the senses are formally integrated into the works. Through the use of shadow and light with a limited color palette, a feeling of absence and reflection in both the literal and metaphorical sense is evoked. The tangible objects project shadows, drawing attention to the surrounding architecture and area between the intangible elements and the physical constructions.

The intention of the work is to elicit an emotive response. Through aesthetically quiet sculpture installations, space for reflection is created. The viewer is invited to explore their own thresholds of perception, noticing their engagement with the world through their senses.